Events — Nov 18, 2020

My response to racism is anger: Transforming rage into power

Online livestream
Nov 18, 2020, 2 pm until 3.30 pm
Main language
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My response to racism is anger: Transforming rage into power is a performance lecture by Naomie Pieter. The title of the performance lecture is inspired by Audre Lorde’s essay The Uses of Anger: Women* Responding to Racism (1981). Pieter will reflect on and respond to the essay through the political actions she (co)organized and choreographed. She will also connect with the Afro-spiritual practices she uses to create art performance and political actions.

*Pieter adds: Black Queer, Trans, Enby, Gender-non conforming people.

Intersectional queer and anti-racist activist NAOMIE PIETER (1990) is the founder of ' Pon Di Pride' and co-founder of 'Black Queer & Trans Resistance NL', as well as the founder of Black Pride NL. She won the Roze Lieverdje award 2020 for her work within the LGBTQIA+ community and she recently won the Pax Peace Award 2020. After her training as a choreographer at the Academy for Theatre and Dance in Amsterdam, Naomie effortlessly mixes the organization of protest rallies with designing choreographies. “Protest is a social choreography. We're organizing body, space and time. Who walks up front, what are the visuals, what is the stage?" Pieter is one of the artists who have been invited by the Amsterdam Museum to participate in the museum's new exhibition of the’ Gouden Koets 2021’.

Black Pride 2020, Photo: Luciano de Boterman
Black Pride 2020, Photo: Luciano de Boterman


“The claim of equality is not only spoken or written, but is made precisely when bodies appear together or, rather, when, through their action, they bring the space of appearance into being.” — Judith Butler

This year's Studium Generale Rietveld Academie is about different experiences and manifestations of the body, and about (dis)embodiments in art and life. We have become hyper-aware of our bodies and those of others: Through Covid-19, the quarantines and guidelines for physical distancing, we are not only dealing with (our) viral bodies, vulnerable bodies, and lonely bodies; in attempts to continue life, we manifest ourselves nonstop behind our screens as virtual bodies and data bodies. This creates new life forms, but also more techniques to be controlled, excluded, and manipulated. For much longer we have been dealing with social and political differentiations that are made between bodies that matter and those that would matter less. All over the world, protest is embodied by people assembling and allying in resistance.

What are experimental and emancipating strategies and practices for fluid embodiments? How can we form resistant collective bodies without losing our own subjectivity and fleshy "matter"? How can we think about this from art practice and theory?

“It is precisely because our bodies are the new enclaves of biopower and because our apartments are the new cells of biovigilance that it is more urgent than ever to invent new strategies of cognitive emancipation and resistance.” — Paul B. Preciado


Studium Generale Rietveld Academie is a transgressing theory program that addresses students and faculty across all departments and disciplines at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, as well as the general public. It wants to understand how art and design are entangled with other domains (from the personal to the political, from the vernacular to the academic), how ‘now’ is linked with past and future, ‘here’ with ‘elsewhere’. Click here for more information: