Everyone at the Stedelijk Museum is entitled to a pleasant and safe environment. Every day the Directors do their best to ensure the social safety and health of staff, partners and the public. We are responsible for creating a museum and workplace that is safe, and where everyone feels at home.

Nevertheless, unexpected incidents of sexual harassment and violence, bullying, aggression, discrimination or other forms of unacceptable behavior, may occur. We strongly condemn all forms of inappropriate behavior and encourage everyone to report recent and past incidents so that action can be taken where appropriate.

If you would like to speak with a confidential advisor, you can approach one of our internal confidential advisors, or contact one of the external confidential advisors at Bezemer & Schubad.

Former employees are also welcome to get in touch with Bezemer & Schubad's external confidential advisors (Yasar Ustuner or Lianne Banda), who can be reached by phone: 088-1440200 or by sending an email to: vertrouwenspersonen@bezemer-schubad.nl.

Furthermore, anyone in the museum sector who is experiencing or has experienced inappropriate behavior can get in touch with MORES, the independent hotline for the Dutch cultural and creative sector. The confidential advisors have an independent position, and are bound by confidentiality.

After a member of staff has submitted a complaint, he or she, in consultation with the confidential advisor, will discuss the appropriate measures to be taken. The person who submits the complaint always retains control over who is informed and on what the best course of action might be.

Rein Wolfs and Margot Gerené

Directors, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam