Jun 11, 2024

During these evening openings you will have the exclusive opportunity to visit the performance The House with the Ocean View. Join a panel talk in which two performers share what it is like to follow the Marina Abramović Method. And then experience this Method yourself by participating in one or more performative installations.

Standard € 47,50  
HF Young / Young Stedelijk € 22
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Jun 11, 7.30 pm until 10 pm
Main language
Photo performance house with the ocean view
Marina Abramović, 'The House with the Ocean View', 2002. Sean Kelly Gallery, New York. Courtesy of the Marina Abramović Archives © Marina Abramović. Photo: Attilio Maranzano

The House with the Ocean View is one of the most daring durational performances where human endurance is put to the test. In this re-performance by Abramović a performer lives in the museum’s exhibition area for twelve consecutive days and nights following strict rules that include fasting, being silent and showering three times daily.


7.30 pm
Doors and registration open
7.30 – 10 pm
Visit exhibition + 'The House with The Ocean View'

8 – 10 pm, every 15 min
'Counting the Rice'
8 – 10 pm, every 15 min
'Slow Motion Walk'
8 – 10 pm, every 15 min
'Writing the Name'
8.30 - 9.15 pm
Talk: on re-performing (EN)
With: Cathelijne Blok, Merette van Hijfte and Reza Mirabi
10 pm
Museum closes


The performance takes place in the recreated installation of Marina Abramović’s original performance from 2002: a platform with three sparsely furnished spaces that serve as a bedroom, living room and bathroom, separated from visitors by ladders with knives for rungs. The audience is invited to silently connect with the performer.  

The performance will take place from 5 through 16 June at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam as part of the large retrospective exhibition of Marina Abramović’s work. The performance can be visited during the museum’s opening hours. 



8.30 – 9.15 pm, Teijin Auditorium

Live reperformances her iconic performances take place every day in the Marina Abramović exhibition. These will be reperformed at different times, by performers trained in the Abramović Method. How were they trained? What is it like to follow in Marina's footsteps this way? Are the performances really as heavy as they look? During this talk, Cathelijne Blok will interview performers Merette van Hijfte and Reza Mirabi about their unique experiences.


8 – 10 pm every 15 min, various locations

The Abramović Method is an opportunity to be in silence and connected with the present moment. The Method is a synthesis of Marina Abramović's research and experience over the course of her 55-year career. It is an exploration of being present in both time and space. During these evening openings, you are welcome to experience the method by participating in one or more exercises:  Counting the Rice, Writing the Name or Slow Motion Walk.

Two people performing work relation
Marina Abramović Method, 'Work Relation', 2024. Photo: Raymond van Mil.
Someone counting rice
Marina Abramović Method, 'Counting the Rice', 2024. Photo: Maarten Nauw.

The evening openings for the performance The House with the Ocean View are a joint initiative from Holland Festival and Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. 

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